Low Testosterone Symptoms

Low testosterone symptoms are among the most commonly misinterpreted of hormonal conditions. There are many misconceptions in this niche, such as low testosterone being present among elderly people only or being limited to men only. However, it should be understood low testosterone represents a serious medical condition that induces a variety of symptoms and can affect people of all ages and gender. The criticality of low testosterone is underlined by the fact that testosterone is one of the most vital, sexual and metabolic hormones found in the human body.

What exactly is meant by ‘low testosterone’?

Muscle Mass
Muscle Mass

It should be noted that some degree of fall in the testosterone levels is common across most people. During the early puberty years, the synthesis of testosterone reaches its peak levels and after the middle-age, it gradually starts to decline. However, this minimal decline of testosterone levels doesn’t refer to the low testosterone symptoms indicated above. This decline doesn’t represent a medical condition. It is merely one of the many hormonal changes associated with aging. This expected decline is usually more pronounced in men than women. However, Low Testosterone Symptoms referred to as a medical condition represent a severe decline in testosterone levels.

Testosterone is found in both men and women. Among men, it is produced in the testes and in trace amounts by the adrenal gland. The normal range of testosterone for men is between 350 and 1230 nanograms, per deciliter of blood. A reading lower than this represents the onset of low testosterone as a medical condition. In comparison, women produced a scant amount of testosterone. This is produced in the adrenal glands and ovaries. For women, readings lower than 70 nanograms, per deciliter represents low testosterone medical condition.

Low Testosterone Symptoms Are Can Adversely Affect All Genders

The general awareness about healthcare issues means that most women are aware about changes that onset during the middle-age. As a result, many hormonal tests have become a part of annual, follow-up examinations recommended for women above the age of 35 years. However, testosterone is not counted among the primary female hormones like progesterone or estrogen and hence, its adverse effects are still largely ignored. Low testosterone levels can affect the well-being of women, including their overall well-being and particularly, their sexual health. In fact, poor psychological conditioning and lowered libido are the primary symptoms of low testosterone among men and have now been established in women too.

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Some Typical Symptoms of Low Testosterone Levels

• Severely lowered libido
• Sleeping troubles
• Unexplained feeling of being ‘unwell’, i.e. feeling mentally and physically tired without a cause
• Emotional indications include propensity to getting irritated easily, being agitated or anxious
• Loss of lean muscle mass and reduced bone density levels, inducing symptoms akin to premature aging
• Rise in blood pressure, inducing risk of cardiovascular problems
• Rise in body fat levels, i.e. increased adipose tissue deposition

Are Low Testosterone Symptoms Acknowledged by Healthcare Authorities?

Yes, to some extent, Low Testosterone Symptoms have been recognized as a widely prevalent healthcare problem by some reputed organizations like the FDA—Food and Drug Administration, USA. The FDA estimates that more than 5 million American men are suffer from low testosterone symptoms. It also acknowledges that some of the symptoms are often misinterpreted. For instance, lowered energy levels and mood swings are often misdiagnosed as depression.

Can I fight Low Testosterone Symptoms?

Men and women who feel that their energy and libido levels are decreasing in an unusual or hastened manner should realize that they might be suffering from low testosterone which is now treatable. Low testosterone symptoms are rather easy to diagnose. Simple blood tests can confirm this condition and many, Hormone Replacement Therapies (HRT) are available for effective correction of this condition. However, self-realization of low testosterone symptoms is probably the biggest roadblock to addressing this health condition, i.e. it can be done only if you are equipped with a basic understanding of Low Testosterone Symptoms -this website is dedicated to providing credible and in-depth information about Low Testosterone Symptoms.

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